Healthcare insurance

Sanders Building

When you move to the Netherlands, it is important to take out the right healthcare insurance. Most people in the Netherlands are obliged to take out a Dutch public health insurance, but not everyone.

A Dutch public healthcare insurance (also known as basic healthcare insurance or ‘basiszorgverzekering’ in Dutch), covers the cost of all normal medical procedures, from a visit to a GP, to medicine, a visit to a specialist, hospital treatment and more preventive care. It costs around 150 euro per month per person, children under 18 are free of charge. We refer you to the Zorgverzekeringslijn. for extensive clear neutral information about the Dutch healthcare system and the Dutch public health insurance. For those people who do not fall under the Dutch public health insurance, we can recommend you other fitting insurance packages.

Once your contract has been formalized, the EUR will contact you to help with administrative preparations. This also includes advice on your healthcare insurance, both during your travel to the Netherlands, and your stay in the Netherlands. Also advice will be provided for the situation of possible accompanying partner/children.


If you are in need of advice on your healthcare insurance, please contact HR International.

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