The effect of human resource management on hospital performance in Ethiopia

Ethiopia is one of the largest Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) country and is characterized by a high diversity in cultural group (over 80 groups), low density (due to a high rural population), and high disease burden. As many low-income countries in SSA, Ethiopia suffers from a severe shortage of health professionals and increasing care demand at the same time.

Previous studies have shown the potential positive effect of human resource management (HRM) on performance and patient outcomes, but also the importance of context. Understanding and improving HRM is needed to improve the situation for a depleted and overstretched health workforce in the Ethiopian context.


  • Present a systematic literature overview on the relationship between human resource management (HRM) and hospital performance in SubSaharan Africa (SSA);
  • Investigate how HRM is crafted in Ethiopian hospitals (based on the contextual SHRM framework);
  • Investigate the relationship between HRM and hospital performance (e.g. employee behaviour, HR outcomes, patient outcomes) within the context of Ethiopia;
  • Enhance hospital performance via a multifaceted intervention in Ethiopia.


The main outcome of this project will be the PhD dissertation of Philipos Petros Giles. This dissertation will consist of multiple chapters and articles. The first article is published in Human Resources for Health:

Gile, P. P., Buljac-Samardzic, M., & Van De Klundert, J. (2018). The effect of human resource management on performance in hospitals in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review. Human resources for health, 16(1), 34.

Involved Researchers & Departments

  • Health Services Management & Organization, ESHPM - Philipos Petros Gile MSc (external PhD candidate), Dr. Martina Buljac
  • Prof.dr. Joris van de Klundert, Prince Mohammad Bin Salman College, Saudi Arabia

Countries Involved

Ethiopia, The Netherlands, Saudi Arabia


Global Health Project

Contact Info

Dr. Martina Buljac ESHPM
010 408 864 1 

Martina Buljac, Dr., PhD (ESHPM)

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