Integrated Rural Health in Colombia

The overall project purpose is the improvement and integration of rural health service systems in Colombia, by means of capacity building of national and local policy makers and Colombian scientists, and the starting up of a research project in rural Colombia. The ‘capacity building’ will take the form of workshops, including discussions and case studies of local/rural health service systems in Colombia.

Hence, the fact-finding mission and workshops help to rethink current approaches in healthcare systems by presenting (and implementing) the concept of ‘Integrated Care’, as well as develop a mutual research project.

This project is a follow-up of the Dutch health and life sciences mission to Colombia in June 2016, during which the Colombian Ministerio de Salud y Proteccion Social expressed its interest in further collaboration with the Netherlands in the field of Life Sciences & Health (LSH). During this mission, it became clear that Colombia is considering adjustments to its rural health systems so as to improve the integration of these services, and create systems which are well tailored to the variety of rural environments in Colombia.


  1. Knowledge exchange – capacity building workshops / training of local and national policy makers and scientists.
  2. Innovative solutions for improved rural healthcare services: come up with improvement interventions in healthcare systems (fit for the local context); support and evaluate the implementation of these interventions.
  3. Factsheet of 3 to 5 pages with findings for other interested Dutch and Colombian parties.
  4. A presentation with an overview of the findings for interested Dutch and Colombian parties.
  5. Action plan for follow-up of the mission/workshops for the improvement of rural healthcare in Colombia: scope and design a larger rural health improvement project, in which other Dutch and/or Colombian organisations/companies are involved.

Involved Researchers & Departments

  • Dr. I.N. (Isabelle) Fabbricotti and Prof.dr. J.J. (Joris) van de Klundert - Health Services Management & Organization, ESHPM

Countries Involved

Colombia and the Netherlands



Contact info

Isabelle Frabbicotti ESHPM

Isabelle Fabbricotti, Dr., PhD (ESHPM)

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