Jacco van Sterkenburg has received a NWO-Vidi grant to support his research on race and ethnicity in the production process of men's televised football, and how these meanings get translated in the media content and audience reactions.
Van Sterkenburg, who is an Assistant Professor in the department of Media and Communication, is one of the 86 researchers who have received a NWO-Vidi grant. Among the other fellows, there are five other researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam. The Vidi subsidy enables researchers to develop their own line of research and build up their own research group.
How racist is televised football and do audiences react?
The project of Van Sterkenburg explores the meanings given to race/ethnicity in the production process of men's televised football, and examines how these meanings get translated in the media content and audience reactions. It will do so in four European countries: Poland, Spain, England and the Netherlands. By seeking an answer to the overall research question - How do discourses of race/ethnicity play a role in televised football production and how are these discourses articulated at the nexus of televised football content and audience receptions? - the project will gain important new theoretical insights and will provide a comprehensive understanding of the role of televised football in meanings given to race/ethnicity. Furthermore, the study will provide a new perspective for media researchers in combining various methods - observations, interviews, content analyses and online discussions - and research fields, and will advance conceptual and empirical understanding of whiteness in media in a European context.
In the video below, Jacco tells - in Dutch - about his research project:

Subsidy for leading innovative researchers
A Vidi subsidy is meant to enable researchers who have already spent several years doing postdoctoral research to develop their own innovative lines of research, and to appoint one or more researchers. Vidi is one of the three types of funding in the NWO Innovation scheme. The other two are called Veni (for researchers who have just obtained their PhD) and Vici (for very experienced researchers).
- Meer informatie
For more information about Jacco van Sterkenburg, please visit his personal page.