Frequently Asked Questions

Campus - Polak building

As a first step, always contact the exchange coordinator of your faculty to discuss the options and to start the application procedure.

  • Students coming to EUR: check with the exchange coordinator of your home university.
  • EUR students going abroad: check with your faculty.

Meestal kun je op uitwisseling gaan in het derde jaar van je bacheloropleiding,

  • Studenten die naar de EUR komen: informeer bij de uitwisselingscoördinator van je eigen universiteit
  • EUR studenten die naar het buitenland willen: informeer bij je faculteit

Zij kunnen je meer informatie geven, aangezien de uitwisselingsmogelijkheden per faculteit en opleiding kunnen verschillen.

In principe niet. Uitwisselingsprogramma's zijn hier goed op ingericht. Zorg er wel voor dat je je hier voor vertrek in verdiept, want soms ben je verplicht om voor vertrek bepaalde cursussen te volgen die extra tijd kunnen kosten.

Not necessarily, especially if you for example receive compensation for expenses or can find a grant for this purpose.

  • Students coming to EUR: check with the exchange coordinator of your home university to see how they can advice you in terms of funding.
  • EUR students going abroad: find more information and tips on our pages with financial information

Also something to take into consideration is that the total amount of costs can differ per exchange destination. E.g. going on exchange to New York might be more expensive than going abroad to Prague.

  • Students coming to EUR: check with the exchange coordinator of your home university.
  • EUR students going abroad: read more about the Erasmus+ grant on our Erasmus+ FAQ page, or check with your faculty.

After you've been selected by your faculty, you'll receive an email with further instructions on the application procedure.

For temporary stays abroad you can apply for compensation for your Student Public Transport Pass. Submit your request online (with your DigiD code) on the DUO website (in Dutch). Arrange this in time, before you leave the Netherlands.

Contact your accommodation provider or your landlord to check whether you're allowed to sublet your room.

If this is the case, you can for example check the Housing Anywhere website.

This is something the international office of your faculty can help you out with:

  • Students coming to EUR: check with the exchange coordinator of your home university.
  • EUR students going abroad: check with your faculty.


In almost all cases, supplementary insurance will be necessary. You will have to check your faculty though to make sure you get the right advice.

  • Students coming to EUR: check with the exchange coordinator of your home university.
  • EUR students going abroad: check with your faculty.

Also make sure to consult your current insurance company on what's already covered in your travel insurance and what they advise when going abroad. 

Consult the list of partner universities to see what your options are.

For current EUR students: also keep an eye out for presentations and other events at EUR on studying abroad. 

Not happy with our partner universities? Perhaps going abroad as a free mover can be an option for you! Check your faculty for information on this.

You can take the English language test at the Language and Training Centre (LTC). The English intake is held four times a year. The dates and registration periods are published at the website of the Language and Training Centre (LTC).

Whereto will you go?

Check out all the options available at your faculty.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen