Work while you study

Looking to gain work experience through a part-time job or internship during your studies in Rotterdam? We love the initiative to work on your career. You’ll boost your CV, while learning more about Dutch society and earning extra money.
However, as an international student your position is different than that from Dutch students.

Pro-tip: do not rely on the income of a side-job to cover your studies and living expenses.
Before coming here to study at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), make a financial budget plan.

Mainly, as an international student you should be prepared for:

You have to switch from private insurance to Basic Health Care insurance. This is a legal obligation.

Employers are usually looking for people who speak and/or understand Dutch.

  • Non-EU/EEA students face specific legal restrictions concerning the number of hours they are allowed to work;
  • Non-EU/EEA students need to get a work permit through their employer. Employers can consider this to be a hassle.

  • You can work as a FreeFlexer. Non-EU/EAA students do not need any additional requirements to work through Temper. You need a residence permit (titled "studie") and a VAT-ID. There is no limit of working hours per week.

What do I need to have in place to work through Temper as a Non-EU/EAA student?

  • a Dutch residence permit (titled "Studie" or "Arbeid vrij toegestaan, TWV niet vereist")
  • Get a value-added (VAT) number. There are 2 ways to do it:
  • 1) You can fill out the OSO-form online and after reviewing it, Temper will mail your form to the Tax Authorities on your behalf.
  • 2) Book an appointment with the Chamber of Commerce. Whether you will need a CoC registration depends on the frequency of your work. The exact definition can only be given by the Tax Authorities. You can find more on this or this website. Use Google Translate plug-in to translate. Questions? check out this FAQ article: What is the difference between a CoC and a VAT-ID?
  • Sign up to Temper
  • Start working fully insured
  • Don't forget to declare your taxes

Work while studying | Study in NL

I have been working since I was 16 and what I can say is that I have grown the most as an individual in international settings like this.
"The environment feels welcoming and safe, something that I find very important when thinking of the best workplace."

Dutch language

Win-win: integrate into society + find a job more easily. 

Non-EU/EEA students

Non-EU student? Specific rules apply to your situation.

Start looking

How and where to find a job or an internship?

What to arrange

Don’t forget: bank account, insurance, taxes, etc.

Attention, employers!

Are you hiring an international student?


Answers to all your questions about working in NL.

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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