Application Procedure

EUC students studying

We have summarized the following steps in our Application Manual, which you can consult at any time before or during your application.

How to submit your application

Your application to EUC starts in Studielink, the online application and registration service for Dutch universities. Before you start your application, we highly recommend that you have the following documents digitally available, as you will need to include them in your application:

  • A copy of the personal details page of your passport
  • If you have not yet graduated from secondary school: a copy of your grade list of the year before your final year* AND a diploma statement (please have the template that you can download below filled in, signed and stamped by your secondary school)
  • If you have graduated from secondary school: a copy of your diploma AND a copy of your final grade list
  • If applicable, the result of your English language proficiency test AND/OR your mathematics test. Please note: you must include the result of the test(s) in your application. It is not an option to submit the result of the test(s) at a later point in time.
  • Your motivation letter (in English, maximum 600 words, please use the template that you can download below). We realize that many people use AI to generate texts. Please be aware that we appreciate an authentic and personal description in your motivation statement when you apply for our programme.

*For A Level applicants: a copy of your grade list of the year before your final year OR a copy of your (I)GCSE certificates

Step-by-step guide to submitting your application

Application deadlines

Application for academic year 2024-2025 is closed. 

The deadlines for academic year 2024-2025 were:

  • 15 January 2024 - regular application deadline
  • 1 May 2024- late application deadline
  • 2 June 2024 - extended application deadline for EU/EEA applicants

Please note that applications can be submitted any time before or in between deadlines. We recommend that you submit your application as early as possible as starting after the regular application deadline we will evaluate applications as they come in. Only complete applications will be considered.

After you have submitted your application 

Once you have filled in all required information and you have uploaded all required documents in our Admissions Portal, your application is complete. At that time the admissions team will evaluate your application. We will inform you about your application by 31st of May at the latest. 

When you have passed the written part of the selection procedure, you will receive an invitation for an interview. During that interview, in person or online, both you and EUC will have the opportunity to check if our mutual expectations meet.

After the interview, we will inform you about the decision of the admissions team. The decision can be one of two:

  • you receive an offer of admission to EUC; if applicable, the offer mentions the conditions of your admission
  • you are not admitted to EUC

We have summarized the above-mentioned steps in our Application Manual, which you can consult at any time before or during your application.

The EUC Admissions Board evaluates an applicant’s motivation and formal entry requirements to study Liberal Arts & Sciences at EUC to ensure that the applicant’s expectations match the programme on offer. All departments/disciplines are represented on the Admissions Board. Together with the Admissions Officers, the members of the Admissions Board are responsible for admitting candidates to EUC. In case of an objection sent to the Admissions Board within four weeks after receiving the decision of the selection procedure, the Chair of the Admissions Board will look into the matter and answer appellant with a funded decision in writing, within four weeks after receiving the objection. These decisions are binding. In case of an appeal against a decision, the appeal should be sent to EUR Student Arbitration Committee (Geschillen Adviescommissie Studenten) including the decision of the Chair of the Admissions Board. Appeals related to (also non-) Admissions topics will be dealt with according to the Dutch General Administrative Law Act (Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht).

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen