- Datum
- vrijdag 8 apr 2022, 09:30 - 18:30
- Type
- Symposium
- Gesproken taal
- Engels
- Gebouw
- Erasmus Paviljoen
- Locatie
- Campus Woudestein
Om de 40e verjaardag van Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) te vieren, organiseren we het symposium 'Making Healthcare Sustainable'. Keynote-sprekers van dit evenement zullen Professor Trish Greenhalgh (University of Oxford) en Mike Drummond (University of York) zij, die beiden een eredoctoraat van Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam hebben ontvangen. Daarnaast zullen diverse interactieve sessies plaatsvinden over onderwerpen als waardegedreven zorg, organisatorische duurzaamheid, ongelijkheden in gezondheid(szorg) en de weerbaarheid van gezondheidszorgsystemen. In deze sessies zullen onderzoekers van ESHPM, naast externe sprekers, deze belangrijke onderwerpen aansnijden vanuit verschillende wetenschappelijke disciplines. Het symposium zal plaatsvinden op 8 april op de Woudestein Campus van Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. We kijken ernaar uit velen van jullie in Rotterdam te verwelkomen bij dit belangrijke en feestelijke evenement!
09:30 – 10:00 Inloop
10:00 – 10:15 Welkomswoord door Professor Pieter van Baal (dagvoorzitter) en Rector Magnificus Professor Annelien Bredenoord
10:15 – 11:15 Professor Trish Greenhalgh: ‘Improving Crisis Policymaking: A Call for Pragmatism’
11:30 – 13:00 Parallelsessies:
- Value-Based Healthcare and Financial Sustainability: An Unfulfilled Promise?
- Equitable and Sustainable Healthcare Across the Globe
- Moving Towards Resilient Healthcare Systems
Klik hieronder om meer te lezen over het programma en de sprekers van de parallelsessies.
In this session we will focus on the proclaimed promise of Value-Based HealthCare (VBHC) to not only increase healthcare quality but also to contain costs. The focus on quality is seen in many discussions on VBHC, often highlighting the role of shared decision making, and in the implementation of VBHC initiatives in healthcare practice. Interestingly, healthcare costs and making costs transparent, let alone VBHC’s actual potential to save costs, seem to receive much less attention in these VBHC debates and practice initiatives. In this session we will discuss this lack of attention and possible underlying reasons, the complexity of using VBHC as a governance mechanism to reduce costs, and what this means for VBHC’s potential to live up to its promise of supporting financial sustainability. We will also discuss how cost-effectiveness (CEA) and VBHC can complement each other by informing decision making at different levels in the healthcare system. The session will be an interactive one combining insights from researchers from ESHPM and people working with VBHC in practice, including a clinician, a patient representative, an insurer and a policy maker.
Outline of the session:
- Four short introductions from ESHPM researchers:
- Gijs Steinmann, MSc: the Dutch debate on VBHC; where are the costs?
- Prof. Anne Stiggelbout: shared decision making; will the cost saving come from patients?
- Dr Frank Eijkenaar: changing the financial incentives: from volume to value (including costs)
- Prof. Maureen Rutten-van Mölken: complementarity of CEA and VBHC
- 5-minute pitches by external speakers, followed by interactive panel discussion, led by Hester van de Bovenkamp, with external speakers:
- Prof. Diana Delnoij (National Healthcare Institute and ESHPM)
- Dr Arthur Hayen (Menzis)
- Prof. Angelique Weel-Koenders (Maasstad Hospital and ESHPM)
- Daphne Voormolen, MSc (ESHPM)
While many healthcare systems have polices aimed to promote an equitable access to healthcare and reduce health inequalities there are still large inequalities in health within and between countries. In this panel session we will have several presentations related to inequalities in health, access to healthcare and legal and ethical principles underlying healthcare policies. After these presentations we will have a discussion based on case studies and several propositions highlighting the tensions between healthcare policies, individual choices/responsibilities and ethical principles.
Outline of the session:
- Dr Bram Wouterse (ESHPM): Inequalities in health before and after Covid-19
- Dr Vivian Reckers (ESHPM): Equity considerations in cost effectiveness analysis
- Prof. Hans van Kippersluis (Erasmus School of Economics): The interplay between genes and the environment in producing health inequalities
- Interactive part led by Dr Igna Bonfrer (ESHPM) and Dr Eline Linthorst (ESHPM): Worldwide inequalities in access to vaccines and the right to health
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown there is a need for our healthcare system to become more resilient. The pandemic also showed us what it means to be resilient, as on each level people needed to improvise and respond to continuously changing conditions. During this session we will reflect on the experiences of professionals, managers and policymakers in long term care with crisis management and caregiving during the pandemic. We will end with a panel discussion on the lessons to be learned from these experiences. How can we strengthen healthcare systems in long-term care to increase resilience? How can we be prepared for the unexpected?
Outline of the session:
- Dr. Jeroen van Wijngaarden (ESHPM): Crisis management of managers in Dutch nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Dr. Renée Scheepers (ESHPM): Well-being and resilience of health care professionals in Dutch nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Andrea Frankowski, MSc (NSOB): From policy reflex to reflexive policy
- Panel discussion about lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic on how the healthcare system, with a focus on the nursing home sector, can stay resilient during crises. What kinds of policies and decision-making structures do we need? How should we think about workforce issues? And further research do we need to deal with future questions related to resilient healthcare systems?
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15.30 Parallelsessies:
- Value-Based Healthcare and Financial Sustainability: An Unfulfilled Promise?
- Equitable and Sustainable Healthcare Across the Globe
- Moving Towards Resilient Healthcare Systems
15:30 – 16:00 Pauze
16:00 – 17:00 Professor Mike Drummond ‘Economic Evaluation in Healthcare - What Next?’
17:00 – 17:15 Dagafsluiting door Professor Pieter van Baal
17:15 Borrel
N.B.: Het symposium zal in het Engels plaatsvinden.
- Meer informatie
Dit evenement zal ook live worden uitgezonden op YouTube. Klik hieronder om de verschillende delen van het symposium online bij te wonen.
- Symposium Opening & Keynote by Prof. Trish Greenhalgh (10:00-11:15)
- Value-Based Healthcare and Financial Sustainability: An Unfulfilled Promise? (11:30-13:00)
- Equitable and Sustainable Healthcare Across the Globe (11:30-13:00)
- Moving Towards Resilient Healthcare Systems (14:00-15:30)
- Keynote by Prof. Mike Drummond and Symposium Closing (16:00-17:15)