
273 resultaten voor admission requirements for international students in het Nederlands in Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management.


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  • Docenten

    De cursus Zorgstelsel & Zorgverzekering wordt verzorgd door de volgende docenten van ESHPM:
  • dr. (Mathilde) MMH Strating

    Research interests Quality collaboratives, innovations in health care services delivery, clients' perspective on quality of life and quality of care. Work in…
  • De waarde van persoonsgerichte zorg voor patiënten met multimorbiditeiten

    Sanne Kuipers MSc onderzocht voor haar proefschrift patiëntgerichte zorg voor patiënten met multimorbiditeiten. Op 3 december zal ze haar onderzoek verdedigen.
  • prof.dr. (Angelique) AEAM Weel

  • prof.dr. (Pieter) PHM van Baal

    Pieter van Baal is a Professor of Public Health Economics. His research focuses on the methodology of cost effectiveness analyses, modeling of diseases…
  • (Renaud) RJSD Heine, MA

  • (Isaac) I Corro Ramos, PhD

    Isaac Corro Ramos was born in Sevilla, Spain, on March 24th, 1977. He obtained his Master’s degree in Mathematics (option Statistics and Operations Research)…
  • dr. (Marjolijn) M Heerings

    My academic background is in Medical Anthropology & Sociology and Clinical Psychology (both MSc obtained at the University of Amsterdam). After my…
  • dr. (Bert) MB de Graaff

    I am trained as an interpretative and qualitative sociologist and have been engaging throughout my academic career in research and education into issues of…
  • prof.dr. (Ian) IP Leistikow

    Ian Leistikow's chair is financed by the Dutch Health & Youth Care Inspectorate (IGJ), whcih is part of the Ministery of Health, Welfare and Sports of the…

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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