Marieke Oerlemans

Marieke Oerlemans
I decided to take a few courses in Oslo. It was a fantastic experience and it gave me a different outlook on healthcare management.

Marieke Oerlemans


The master in Health Care Management (HCM) is a fun and challenging master programme. During the bachelor phase, I discovered just how incredibly interesting it was to combine knowledge about healthcare with the management side of things.

In this master programme, you can choose the specialism you want to take. This means you can choose your courses or do an internship to gain work experience. I decided to take a few courses in Oslo. It was a fantastic experience and it gave me a different outlook on healthcare management. The master in HCM gives you scope for personal development and the opportunity to specialise in aspects of healthcare that you find interesting or feel are important.

It also offers excellent future prospects. There were companies interested in me even before the academic year had ended and I landed a job as a Quality and Safety Officer just a few months after completing my studies.

If you enjoy discovering how healthcare agencies manage to stay up-and-running and what you have to offer these kinds of organisations, this is definitely the right master programme for you! 

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