prof.dr. AM (Anne Margriet) Pot


Anne Margriet Pot, is endowed professor at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management in Rotterdam, and strategic advisor Long-Term Care at the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate, Ministry of Health, the Netherlands. In addition, she is extraordinary professor at Optentia, North West University, Johannesburg, South Africa and President-elect of the International Psychogeriatric Association.

For over the past 30 years, she has dedicated her work on improving the quality of long-term care, for older people in particular. Her peer-reviewed scientific publications include the measurement and monitoring of the quality of care and quality of life of older people and their carers, and the development of innovative interventions to improve their mental health and well-being, often with the use of technology. Related to her position at the World Health Organization (2014-2018), her scientific work also includes publications on global long-term care policy.

Currently, at ESHPM, she is setting up a research programme in the field of regulation on person-centred and integrated long-term care, with a specific focus on the use of narrative methods.

Here you find a selection of publications. For a full CV and list of output, also including the Dutch Manual on Geropsychology (Handboek Ouderenpsychologie) and other publications (over 235), see my website:


Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management

Endowed professor | Health Care Governance (HCG)


Thesis HCM

Year Level
Course Code

Health and care regulators

Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. AM (Anne Margriet) Pot

‘Toezicht in de langdurige zorg moet zich meer richten op de persoon’

"We zijn een beetje kwijtgeraakt waar het eigenlijk om gaat. Niet alleen als zorgaanbieder maar ook als toezichthouder."

De maatschappelijke eis van een menselijke maat vraagt om kanteling toezicht

“De overheid is geroepen de menselijke maat in de haar toevertrouwde taken terug te brengen. Toezicht op de langdurige zorg speelt daarin een sleutelrol."
Anne Margriet Pot

Maak gebruik van verhalen voor kwaliteitsverbetering in het verpleeghuis

Opinieartikel in Zorgvisie van o.a. ESHPM collega’s Marjolijn Heerings en Prof.dr. Anne Margriet Pot.

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