Marieke KrolProductivity costs in economic evaluations.
Maartje Niezen-van der ZwetWorking Towards Legitimacy in Decision-Making. On governing appropriate medicine use and reimbursement in health care.
Maite San GiorgiThe Human Right to Equal Access to Health Care
Ana BobinacEconomic evaluations of health technologies: insights into the measurement and valuation benefits.
Martina BuljacHealthy Teams. Analyzing and Improving Team Performance in Long-Term Care.
Yvonne JansenPragmatic Trials; The Mutual Shaping of Research and Primary Health Care Practice:An ethnographic analysis of the role the pragmatic trial fulfils in bridging the science-practice gap
Claudine de MeijerStudies of Health and Long-Term Care Expenditure Growth in Aging Populations
Monique VeldHRM, Strategic Climate and Employee Outcomes in Hospitals: HRM Care for Cure?
Tineke BroerGoverning ideals of good care - Quality improvement in mental health care.
Mirella MinkmanTowards a Development Model for Integrated Care - Developing Integrated Care.