The Jean Monnet programme aims at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
In 2017, André den Exter (1966) was awarded with a Jean Monnet Chair ‘Global health law’, generously funded by the European Commission. Along with the title of “Jean Monnet Chair”, André den Exter received a three-years grant to launch a new teaching programme, to support a guest lecture series and a number of conferences, as well as conducting research on Global health law.
André den Exter is a lecturer in health law at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM), Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and holds a visiting professorship International and European Health Law at Lviv National Medical University (Ukraine). He is also a founding member of the Erasmus Observatory on Health Law, coordinating the Observatory’s annual summerschool on health law & ethics.
His research and teaching activities include: health care and human rights, health care rationing, pharmaceutical law, international and European health law. He (co)edited several books and wrote various articles on health law.