Symposium & PhD defense Anne-Fleur Roos

donderdag 14 jun 2018, 09:30 - 17:30
Campus Woudestein
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Anne-Fleur Roos ESHPM

On June 14, Anne-Fleur Roos will defend her thesis on ‘Mergers and Competition in the Dutch Healthcare Sector’. Prior to the defense, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management organizes the symposium ‘Mergers and Competition in Hospital Markets’.

With key notes by prof. dr. Martin Gaynor (Carnegie Mellon University), dr. Ron Kemp (Authority for Consumers and Markets and Erasmus University Rotterdam) and prof. dr. Misja Mikkers (Dutch Healthcare Authority and Tilburg University) and plenty of time for the attendants to discuss mergers and competition in hospital markets with the available experts.

Prof. dr. Erik Schut, prof. dr. Marco Varkevisser and Anne-Fleur Roos, Msc. cordially invite you for the symposium on Mergers and Competition in Hospital Markets and the public defense of Anne-Fleur’s thesis on Mergers and Competition in the Dutch Healthcare Sector.


  • Marco Varkevisser

    Marco Varkevisser is endowed Professor of Health Care Market Regulation (“Marktordening in de Gezondheidszorg”). His research and teaching activities focus on competition and regulation in health care markets, including the role of patient choice and antitrust & competition policy.

    Marco Varkevisser ESHPM
  • Martin Gaynor

    Martin Gaynor is the E.J. Barone University Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University and former Director of the Bureau of Economics at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. His research focuses on competition and antitrust policy in health care markets. He has written extensively on this topic, testified before Congress, and advised governments on competition issues in health care. He has won a number of awards for his research, including the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy Best Paper Award, the Victor R. Fuchs Research Award, the National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation Health Care Research Award and the Kenneth J. Arrow Award. Dr. Gaynor received his B.A. from the University of California, San Diego in 1977 and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University in 1983.

    Martin Gaynor
  • Anne-Fleur Roos

    Anne-Fleur Roos is a researcher of Health Economics & Policy at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM). She completed a BSc. in Health Sciences in 2008 and an MSc. in Health Economics, Policy and Law in 2009, both with distinction. She then became a PhD student at ESHPM. She will defend her thesis on mergers and competition in the Dutch healthcare sector, which was funded by an iBMG grant for innovative PhD research, on June 14, 2018. At Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Anne-Fleur studies and teaches in the field of healthcare financing and organisation.

    Anne-Fleur Roos ESHPM
  • Ron Kemp

    Ron Kemp is a senior economist at the Healthcare department at the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) with a focus on quantitative market studies. Since December 2017, he holds a part-time position as associate professor at ESHPM at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Dr. Kemp earned his PhD degree in Business from the University of Groningen in 1999. Research interests include healthcare, policy analysis, impact assessments and European competition law. He has published amongst others in European Journal of Health Economics, de Economist, Journal of Competition Law and Economics, food Policy and International Journal of Research in Marketing.

  • Misja Mikkers

    Misja Mikkers (1968) is endowed Professor of Organization and Financing in the Healthcare Sector at the Department of Economics of Tilburg University. He has also worked at the NZa (Dutch Healthcare Authority) since 2003, in different functions. Currently he holds the position of Chief Economist and manages the Economic and Medical Bureau. He is responsible for economic research on healthcare reforms and public health advice. He obtained a PhD in economics from Copenhagen University with a dissertation on the theory and practice of regulatory design.

    The chair is being sponsored by the NZa.

    Misja Mikkers
  • Erik Schut

    Erik Schut is a professor of Health Economics & Policy at the Erasmus School of Health Policy and Management (ESHPM). He holds an MSc in Economics and a PhD in Health Economics (cum laude) from Erasmus University. Erik’s work focuses on competition and regulation and the role of consumer behavior in health care, long-term care and health insurance markets. He published widely in these areas in high-impact scientific journals. He attracted numerous research grants and participated in many advisory committees to the government, e.g. on reforming the hospital sector, the financing of primary care, the private health insurance sector and the long-term care insurance scheme.

    Erik Schut ESHPM

 Symposium programme “Mergers and Competition in Hospital Markets”

Symposium programme





Location: Erasmus University Rotterdam | campus Woudestein | Erasmus Paviljoen    






Welcome with coffee & tea






Marco Varkevisser




'Hospital competition, consolidation & antitrust: lessons from the US'

Martin Gaynor




Plenary discussion

Anne-Fleur Roos




(Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets) – “The price and quality effects of Dutch hospital mergers”

Ron Kemp




‘Hospital competition in the Netherlands: an empirical investigation’

Misja Mikkers




Plenary discussion

Anne-Fleur Roos





Anne-Fleur Roos




Lunch Buffet






PhD defence Anne-Fleur Roos ‘Mergers and Competition in the Dutch Healthcare Sector’

Location: Erasmus University Rotterdam | campus Woudestein | Erasmus (A) Building | Senaatzaal    
Public defence  13:3014:30
Graduation ceremony  14:3015:00

Reception PhD defence Anne-Fleur Roos

Location: Erasmus University Rotterdam | campus Woudestein | Erasmus Gallery    
Reception  15:0017:00
Meer informatie

For any questions you might have, please contact Anne-Fleur Roos of Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management (ESHPM) via
Want to register? Use the registration form on this page.

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