Researcher profielen

  • drs. (Marcella) MCR Schute

    drs. (Marcella) MCR Schute
  • dr. (Carlotta) C Scioldo

    Carlotta Scioldo is a researcher and consultant with a focus on EU cultural policies and programmes. Through her professional and academic trajectory, she has…
    dr. (Carlotta) C Scioldo
  • (Jasmin) JA Seijbel, MSC MA

    Jasmin Seijbel is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus School of History Culture and Communication (Department of History). Jasmin is researching football-related…
    (Jasmin) JA Seijbel, MSC MA
  • prof.dr. (Martine) M van Selm

    prof.dr. (Martine) M van Selm
  • (Hilde) R Sennema, MA

    (Hilde) R Sennema, MA
  • dr. (Marloes) SM Shami - van Houten

    1. Field: intercultural performance studies, cultural geography, psychogeography, education, critical heritage studies, cross-cultural psychology.2. Research…
    dr. (Marloes) SM Shami - van Houten
  • (Judith) J Siegel, MA

    (Judith) J Siegel, MA
  • (Nikki) N Sikkema, MA

    (Nikki) N Sikkema, MA
  • (Virgo) V Sillamaa

    (Virgo) V Sillamaa
  • (Stine) S Skovbon

    Stine Skovbon is conducting a PhD on classical music and sustainability focusing on how symphony orchestras are incirporating sustainable practices. 
    (Stine) S Skovbon

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  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
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