Researcher profielen

  • (Phuong Hoan) PH Le, MSC MA

    Phuong Hoan Le is a lecturer and PhD candidate at the Department of Media and Communication and the Erasmus Research Centre for Media Communication and Culture …
    (Phuong Hoan) PH Le, MSC MA
  • dr. (Jay) JS Lee

    **Ju-Sung (Jay) Lee is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam. ** His research interests lie…
    dr. (Jay) JS Lee
  • (Rayke) R van Lent, MSc

    (Rayke) R van Lent, MSc
  • (Yongjian) Y Li - Groenendijk

    Yongjian Li is a PhD candidate/lecturer in the Department of Media & Communication at Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Under the…
    (Yongjian) Y Li - Groenendijk
  • dr. (Arne) A van Lienden

    Arne van Lienden (1995) is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication, and Culture. His research focuses on the content and…
    dr. (Arne) A van Lienden
  • (Carmen) C Longas Luque, MSc

    Carmen Longas Luque is a PhD candidate at the Erasmus Research Center for Media, Communication & Culture. Her research focuses on the role of discourses of…
    (Carmen) C Longas Luque, MSc
  • drs. (Frits) FR Loomeijer

    drs. (Frits) FR Loomeijer
  • dr. (Ellen) EMMP Loots

    As an Associate Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam in the Netherlands, my ambition lies in the harmonious integration of two vital themes:…
    dr. (Ellen) EMMP Loots
  • (Lale) LA Mahmudova, MA

    (Lale) LA Mahmudova, MA
  • (Camila Andrea) CA Malig Jedlicki, MSc

    Camila is a PhD Candidate at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON) of Utrecht University. She also works as a lecturer at the Department of Arts and Culture…
    (Camila Andrea) CA Malig Jedlicki, MSc

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