IcARUS project-inspired workshop at the European Police Congress in Berlin

Among the several interesting panel sessions held at the 24th edition of the European Police Congress in Berlin (14-15 September), one was inspired by the IcARUS project. From Erasmus University, representatives were Prof. Dr. Gabriele Jacobs (Dean of EUC), Dr. Daniel Trottier (ESHCC), and Massimo Fattori (PhD Candidate at ESHCC).

The European Police Congress is an international conference that represents a stage for decision makers, police forces, and security authorities and industries. Held in Berlin, the congress enhances the dialogue between these actors.

Among the several interesting panel sessions, one was inspired by the IcARUS project. IcARUS is an EU-funded project which aims to help local security actors anticipate and better respond to security challenges. Erasmus University, the European Forum for Urban Security, the municipality of Rotterdam, and CAMINO joined on stage to hold a panel discussion upon “Smart Tools for Urban Safety: the co-production of public policy by private and public players”. This session focused on how private parties, municipalities, and law enforcement agencies can better cooperate for a more efficient service and for more secure and safer cities.

It led to the conclusion that it is exactly the joint tetra-effort of public sector, private sector, academia, and civil society organizations that can result in better informed decisions for public security policies. It is this dialogue among actors that needs to be fostered for an even better secure and safer Europe.

More information on the European Police Congress: https://www.european-police.eu

More information on the IcARUS Project: www.icarus-innovation.eu

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