I love being in classes with students from many different countries and cultural backgrounds.
France Preecha
Student IBCoM
"Last year, I was enrolled in a university back in my hometown, Bangkok, Thailand in the area of communications. I generally enjoyed every single course that they offered. However, it was lacking the international student environment that I was looking for. Therefore, I started to search for universities that offered this international experience, and Erasmus University Rotterdam happened to be one of the best schools listed for communication and media studies. Prior to moving to Rotterdam, I did not really know what to expect as I have never travelled to the Netherlands before. However, my friends and professors, made transitioning into the country easy for me as they were all very open and welcoming. This made me realize that spontaneously coming here was one of the best decisions I have ever made."
Educational and useful
"I would say that the IBCom program at Erasmus University is definitely a fit for me. I love being in classes with students from many different countries and cultural backgrounds. This makes the learning experience very intriguing as I am able to learn about the perspectives of others. Class discussions and debates involving these students are very educational and useful considering the increasingly globalized world that we live in today."
Choose your own path
"Furthermore, the content that we learn in IBCom can be put into use in real life situations which makes all the courses practical and relevant. Another reason why I fell in love with the program is because it allows students to choose their own paths from their second year onwards. While you learn the foundations of communications in your first year along with everybody else, you are able to pick what you are personally interested in for further studies such as business, politics or entertainment for instance."