Non-EU students coming to Rotterdam

Having a nationality from a country that is not part of the EU/EEA means that immigration arrangements will have to be made. Depending on your nationality, current permit and duration of your stay, you may have to obtain an entry visa (Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf MVV) and/or a residence permit (Vergunning tot Verblijf Regulier VVR).

You do not have to worry about the immigration procedure, as the immigration office will determine, based on your nationality which procedure applies to you. However, you can prepare yourself by reading the information below.

  • RSM MBA students from RSM BV: some information on the webpages about immigration does not apply to you. The payment of your tuition fee is handled by RSM BV. Furthermore, your proof of income differs, refer to the email you will receive from us with the proof of payment instructions. The refund procedure also does not apply to you. You do have to pay the immigration fee to the EUR bank account. 
  • ISS, MEL and IHS students: you will receive an invoice from your faculty. The refund procedure also does not apply to you. 

Choose your nationality/situation

1. Australia, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Monaco, United States of America, South Korea, or Vatican City or you are in the possession of a valid Schengen Residence Permit (which is valid for more than 6 months).

You do not need an entry visa (MVV) to enter the Netherlands, but you do need a residence permit (VVR) for the purpose of study if you stay longer than 90 days.

2. Students with other nationalities.

You need an entry visa (MVV) to enter the Netherlands and a residence permit (VVR) for the purpose of study if you stay longer than 90 days.

Other possibilities 

  • If you are from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong (limited), South Korea (limited), Argentina (limited), Uruguay, Taiwan, Japan or New Zealand, you may be eligible to apply for the Working Holiday Programme. More information can be found on the website of the IND. * 1 year only *
  • If you wish to stay for less than 90 days, you can arrange a tourist visa/short stay Schengen visa. With this visa you can study at our university. Read more about this visa on this website and contact Team Immigration for more information. 

Vergelijk @count opleiding

  • @title

    • Tijdsduur: @duration
Vergelijk opleidingen