
448 search results for EsCHER scholarship 2022-2023 in English in Erasmus University Rotterdam.


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  • (Weys) W Qaran, MSc
    Weys Qaran is a PhD candidate at the department of Public Administration of Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is contributing to several Work Packages of the…
  • (Anderson) A Macedo de Jesus, MSc
    Anderson is a PhD candidate at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in the research programme Governance, Globalization and Social Justice (GGSJ)…
  • Ghost Work
    Artificial intelligence needs human labour to conduct tasks such as data cleaning, coding, and classifying content. This on-demand work is called ghost work.
  • Signing up for the Erasmus Charity Run was an easy decision for Derman
    Student Derman participates in the Erasmus Charity Run. In this story, he tells why. "I want to encourage future students to study at EUR," he says.
  • dr. (Kaira Zoe) KZ Canete
    Dr. Kaira Zoe Alburo-Cañete is a Filipino feminist scholar with training in Anthropology and Critical Development Studies. She is currently Senior Researcher at…
  • (Lujia) L Sun
    Lujia Sun is currently a PhD candidate in health law. She studies mobile health, law and ethics, with a focus on Chinese and the international context. She is…
  • Admission and application bachelor
    Here you can find information about the admission process for a Bachelor degree at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
  • (Phuong Hoan) PH Le, MSC MA
    Phuong Hoan Le is a lecturer and PhD candidate at the Department of Media and Communication and the Erasmus Research Centre for Media Communication and Culture …
  • (Daniela) D Bartosova
    Daniela Bartos, formerly Bartosova, has started teaching at Erasmus University in September 2016. Daniela is a passionate academic and industry practitioner in…
  • prof.dr. (Rob) RJM van Tulder
    Rob van Tulder, PhD (1956) is emeritus Professor of International Business-Society Management. He holds a PhD degree (cum laude) in social sciences …

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