Researcher profiles

  • (Tom) T Belleman

    (Tom) T Belleman
  • dr. (Clement) CS Bellet

    Research interests: Behavioral Economics, Quantitative Marketing, Subjective Well-Being, Inequality and Poverty. My work borrows from behavioral economics and…
    dr. (Clement) CS Bellet
  • mr. (Ali) A Benhammou

    mr. (Ali) A Benhammou
  • dr. (Mirko) MH Benischke

    Mirko Benischke (click here for an up-to-date CV) is an Associate Professor of Global Strategy in the Department of Strategic Management & Entrepreneurship…
    dr. (Mirko) MH Benischke
  • (Zoulikha) Z Benkaakaa

    (Zoulikha) Z Benkaakaa
  • dr. (Tim) TM Benning

    dr. (Tim) TM Benning
  • (Jelena) J Beocanin

    Jelena Beočanin is a PhD candidate at the Department of History, Erasmus University Rotterdam. She studies the postcolonial history of port cities, and…
    (Jelena) J Beocanin
  • prof.dr. (Luca) L Berchicci

    One of the fundamental issues for the field of strategy is to understand how managers develop and make use of firm’s capabilities to achieve greater performance…
    prof.dr. (Luca) L Berchicci
  • prof. (Hans) JJ Berends

    prof. (Hans) JJ Berends
  • dr. (Guido) GAJM Berens

    Guido Berens is Assistant Professor of Corporate Communication at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. He obtained…
    dr. (Guido) GAJM Berens

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