Researcher profiles

  • (Aleyna) NA Ayar

    (Aleyna) NA Ayar
  • dr. (Aylin) A Aydin Cakir

    Before joining Erasmus Law School, Aylin worked as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yeditepe University, Turkey (2014-2019). In 2017 she has been…
    dr. (Aylin) A Aydin Cakir
  • dr. (Zeynep) Z Aydın Gokgoz, PhD

    dr. (Zeynep) Z Aydın Gokgoz, PhD
  • (Ahmed Maged Ibrahim Mohamed) AA Ayoub

    (Ahmed Maged Ibrahim Mohamed) AA Ayoub
  • (Sanna) S Azzouz, MSc

    (Sanna) S Azzouz, MSc
  • dr. (Marc) MG Baaij

    Marc Baaij is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University. He designs and teaches courses in various…
    dr. (Marc) MG Baaij
  • prof.dr. (Pieter) PHM van Baal

    Pieter van Baal is a Professor of Public Health Economics. His research focuses on the methodology of cost effectiveness analyses, modeling of diseases…
    prof.dr. (Pieter) PHM van Baal
  • (Wander) WM van Baalen, MA

    Profile Wander van Baalen is a PhD candidate at Codarts University for the Arts and a lecturer in the Humanities department at Erasmus University College. After…
    (Wander) WM van Baalen, MA
  • (Lydia) L Baan Hofman, MA

    (Lydia) L Baan Hofman, MA
  • (Loran) L van Baardewijk

    (Loran) L van Baardewijk

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