Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Margarita) M de Vries Mecheva

    Margarita de Vries Mecheva is a lecturer at the department of Applied Economics of the Erasmus School of Economics. She obtained a PhD in development economics…
    dr. (Margarita) M de Vries Mecheva
  • (Shubhdeep) S Deb

    (Shubhdeep) S Deb
  • dr. (Welmoed) WK van Deen, MD

    I am a health services researcher with expertise in value-based healthcare and learning health systems. I have worked with various regional and national…
    dr. (Welmoed) WK van Deen, MD
  • (Mark) MJ Dehlsen

    (Mark) MJ Dehlsen
  • dr. (Dirk) D Deichmann

    Dirk Deichmann is Professor by Special Appointment at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM), holding the Chair of Horticulture Innovation. In…
    dr. (Dirk) D Deichmann
  • (Fenna) FA Deinum

    (Fenna) FA Deinum
  • dr. (Linda) LP Dekker

    Dr. Linda Dekker is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Psychology of Erasmus University Rotterdam. In 2019 she successfully defended her PhD thesis…
    dr. (Linda) LP Dekker
  • (Rommert) R Dekker

    Rommert Dekker is a professor of operations research, quantitative logistics, and IT at the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). Professor Dekker currently… (Rommert) R Dekker
  • drs. (Marielle) MI Dekker - Hordijk

    drs. (Marielle) MI Dekker - Hordijk
  • dr. (Josse) J Delfgaauw

    Dr. Delfgaauw ‘ research interests include organizational economics and personnel economics. He combines theoretical work on the interplay between incentives,…
    dr. (Josse) J Delfgaauw

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