Researcher profiles

  • mr. (Renzo) R Bloemink, MA LL.M

    mr. (Renzo) R Bloemink, MA LL.M
  • (Steven) SN Blok, MSc

    (Steven) SN Blok, MSc
  • dr. (David) DJ Blok

    David Blok is an academic researcher at the Erasmus Movez Lab. In June 2018, he successfully defended his dissertation, entitled “Introducing systems approaches…
    dr. (David) DJ Blok
  • prof.dr. (Vincent) V Blok

    prof.dr. (Vincent) V Blok
  • dr. (Hedwig) HM Blommestein

    dr. (Hedwig) HM Blommestein
  • dr. (Bruno) BR Bocanegra

    dr. (Bruno) BR Bocanegra
  • (Lennard) L Bockenforde, MSc

    (Lennard) L Bockenforde, MSc
  • (Nora) NH de Bode

    (Nora) NH de Bode
  • dr. (Johannes) J Boegershausen

    Johannes Boegershausen obtained his Ph.D. in Marketing from the University of British Columbia. Subsequently, he worked as an Assistant Professor of Marketing…
    dr. (Johannes) J Boegershausen
  • (Willem) W Boei, LL.M

    Willem Boei serves as a part-time lecturer at the Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam. He specializes in corporate income tax, teaching in both…
    (Willem) W Boei, LL.M

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