Video Prototyping

Video prototyping


Video prototyping is a way of testing a solution through video.


A video prototype makes it possible to imagine a solution quickly and easily. This allows you to evaluate and improve the solution at an early stage of its development.


  1. Think about the scenario in which the solution will be applied. Which steps and activities can you discern? In what sequence will they take place?
  2. Think of a storyline around the scenario. Which people play a role in it? What is being thought and said?
  3. Consider how the storyline could be promoted through video. Which scenes can be distinguished? What exactly happens in these scenes? Where does it take place? Which roles are there? Do you need a script? Which props and costumes do you need?
  4. Arrange for everything that is needed to make the video. Collect or make the necessary props and costumes, arrange for the location(s), write a script, arrange for a camera and a team of actors (your teammates), assign the roles and so on.
  5. Film the scenes. Make sure you have enough recorded material.
  6. Assemble the video.
  7. Show the video to relevant stakeholders and ask for feedback on the solution.

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