Strategic Reframing

Strategic reframing


Strategic reframing is looking ahead at possible future scenarios and formulating a strategy on the basis of this.


Many issues and problems are subject to change. Strategic reframing helps you clarify these changes, identify opportunities and risks and anticipate these.


  1. Take stock of societal, economic, ecological, political, social or demographic factors – trends and developments – that influence the issue directly or indirectly.
  2. Consider in which ways these factors will influence the issue in the next twenty years.
  3. Select the two factors that might have the greatest impact on the issue and define two extremes for each of these: what if this development does not persist, and what if it persists maximally?
  4. Place the extremes opposite one another in a matrix. Now you have a basis for four future scenarios that depend on how these two factors develop.
  5. Consider the four future scenarios. What does the issue look like in each scenario? Which opportunities and risks does each scenario present?
  6. Formulate one or more goals or desired outcomes for your project or solution, taking the four possible future scenarios into account.

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