


A roadmap is a visual representation of the strategy for achieving a solution.


A roadmap charts which milestones should be reached, what this takes and what needs to be taken into account on the way to implementing a solution. This creates an overview and offers a structure (to all relevant stakeholders) for the continued development and implementation of a solution.


  1. Elaborate the structure of a roadmap (see the sample template) on a whiteboard, flip chart, wall or table, or use the sample template.
  2. Decide on the roadmap’s time frame. When must the solution have been implemented? Create a timeline from the current moment up to the time of implementation.
  3. Identify the main steps needed to achieve a solution, considering the right sequence and the lead times. Add the steps to the timeline.
  4. For each step, inventory the goal, the activities to be undertaken, the requirements for achieving the goal, the people or organisations to be involved, the decision moments and the outcomes to be achieved. Elaborate the roadmap on the basis of this.
  5. Look at the roadmap from a distance. Is everything clear? Is anything missing? Finalise the roadmap.

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