
Our EUR platform to effectively collaborate and communicate with stakeholders

What is Riipen?

Riipen is a central and private EUR marketplace and experiential learning platform. It operates as a collaborative marketplace, connecting you with external partners to collaborate on projects directly relevant to your courses.

Both stakeholders and teachers can propose projects on the platform to work with students on societal urgencies. Join Riipen to transform your teaching and create impactful partnerships that go beyond regular coursework!

Why Riipen?

Riipen is a tool that facilitates the matching process for impact-driven education between students and stakeholder. With Riipen, students can engage and collaborate with stakeholders or partners in a secure environment respecting the privacy requirements of external partners and our organization. Riipen can be integrated with Canvas and is easily accessible for teachers and students.

As a teacher you have a better overview, because you can see the communication between students and stakeholders. All information for the collaboration with stakeholders is in one central place. Riipen is also a platform where you have the possibility to work with other educational institutes because participants do not need an ERNA account.


Are you interested in working with Riipen? Please contact us via Riipen@eur.nl. Do you need help with finding stakeholders? Our knowledge brokers can assist you with finding the perfect societal partner for your course. Please send an e-mail to impactloket@eur.nl.

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