Paper Prototyping

Paper prototyping


Paper prototyping is a way of assessing a digital solution using printed or drawn screens.


Paper prototyping allows you to simulate a digital solution quickly and easily. This makes it possible to evaluate and improve the solution at an early stage of its development.


  1. Evaluate the basic structure of the digital solution. Make a diagram of the functionalities and the accompanying screens, showing their placement with regard to each other.
  2. Decide which functionalities you want to evaluate and inventory which screens need to be made for this.
  3. Create the required screens, drawing them by hand or using a digital programme and printing them.
  4. Ask a group of people to assess the solution by taking on the role of the solution’s target group (which they may actually be). Give them an assignment that obliges them to use the various functionalities of a solution.
  5. Have the participants assess the solution by successively showing them the screens the real digital solution would show them. Observe how they react to the solution. Ask the participants to think out loud.
  6. Afterwards, reflect on the solution with them. What did they think of it? How did it work for them? Did they manage to carry out the assignment? What went well? What could be improved? What should be taken into account during the continued development of the solution? Also discuss remarkable observations.

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