Now/how/wow matrix

Now/how/wow matrix


A now/how/wow matrix is an efficient way of sorting a large collection of ideas for feasibility and originality.


Generating ideas often leads to so many ideas at an early stage while assessment criteria are still vague that it makes no sense to evaluate each idea thoroughly. The now/how/wow matrix uses the most basic criteria of feasibility and originality to make a quick first classification of ideas. 


  1. Inventory all of your ideas for solutions.
  2. Set up the structure of a now/how/wow matrix, with an X axis for originality and a Y axis for feasibility. Use the sample template if you wish. There are four categories to be identified:
    1. ‘Now’ ideas form the category of low-hanging fruit: ideas that are not necessarily original but that are quite feasible.
    2. ‘How’ ideas are original ideas that are not immediately feasible.
    3. ‘Wow’ ideas are both original and feasible.
    4. ‘Ow’ ideas (often the residual category) are neither feasible nor original. These ideas are simply not worth it.
  3. Place the ideas in a matrix.
  4. Reflect on the outcome. Which ideas could be realised now? Which ideas should be selected in any case? Which ideas are worth working out?
  5. Draw up a top-5 of ideas.

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