Calling Challenges for Inclusive Energy Transition

Are you dealing with challenges related to the inclusive energy transition? Could you use some extra hands and brainpower? Ambitious and talented honours students from Erasmus University Rotterdam are eager to assist and find solutions!

The interdisciplinary honours program "Inclusive Energy Transition" unites 24 talented master's students from various fields to work on pressing energy transition challenges. 

We are looking for partner organizations with complex issues such as:

  • How can we make renewable energy more accessible in low-income neighborhoods?
  • What strategies can we use to engage diverse communities in sustainable energy practices?
  • How can we reduce the carbon footprint of urban transportation systems?

What will the students do?

We will match your organization with a team of 4 master's students. Over the course of the program (November 2024 – June 2025), they will work on your challenge approximately one day a week and deliver a product that fits your challenge, for example an advise or a practical solution. This could range from a strategy or policy recommendation to a digital tool such as a website or app.

Benefits for partner organizations

Of course you gain possible solutions/insights to your challenges at limited cost. But also:

  • Access master's students who can contribute to your ongoing projects.
  • Build long-term relationships with a diverse pool of young talent from various disciplines.
  • Strengthen your reputation as an employer of future talent.
  • Enhance collaboration with Erasmus University and join a network of like-minded partners working on the energy transition.

What do we ask from you as a partner?

We are seeking both private and public organizations to collaborate with us. Examples of current partners of the program are Eneco, Greenchoice, NCOD and TNO.

As a partner, your involvement will require approximately  5-8 hours of your time, including:

  • A presentation of your challenge in November 2024;
  • Availability to respond to questions from your student team via email;
  • Three meetings with your student team to provide insights and share expertise (3 x 60 minutes).
  • Attendance at the final presentation in June 2025.

In addition, we ask our partners to  contribute €10,000. This fee supports student scholarships, enabling participants from diverse backgrounds to join the program without needing to work part-time jobs. Your contribution not only helps facilitate the program but also ensures that talented students from all financial backgrounds have the opportunity to contribute to the energy transition. Please do reach out if you do want to commission an assignment but cannot contribute 10K, because we can try to find a solution. 

Practical information

  • Program duration: November 2024 – June 2025
  • Language: English
  • Deadline for submitting your challenge: October 15, 2024

Interested in partnering with us?

Contact Moon Fung Fong (Impact Manager, Erasmus University Rotterdam) at or call +31 6 342 649 61

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