Ideation Prompts

Ideation prompts


Ideation prompts are creative stimuli you can use during your brainstorm to arrive at surprising ideas.


Creative stimuli force you to explore different avenues of thought. This helps break open corroded thinking patterns and arrive at creative ideas.


  1. Choose a topic as a starting point for the brainstorm. This could be a problem to be solved, a value to be created or a desired outcome.
  2. First try without a creative stimulus to generate as many ideas as possible to solve this problem, create this value or achieve this outcome.
  3. Now imagine you had unlimited resources and think of as many solutions again.
  4. Repeat this a number of times, using a different creative stimulus each time. For example:
    1. Imagine you lived in the year 2100.
    2. Imagine you lived in a world without Internet.
    3. Imagine you were a dictator.
    4. Imagine you worked at Google.
  5. Carry on until you run out of inspiration.

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