Critical assumptions

Critical assumptions


Critical assumptions help you identify assumptions about how the solution functions and think of a suitable testing method.


Often, an innovative solution does not yet exist, so there are only assumptions about the effects it would have. Before fully elaborating the solution, it is important to identify these assumptions and, crucially, to assess them. 


  1. For this exercise, use the accompanying template, print it or copy it onto an A3 sheet, flip chart or whiteboard.
  2. Think about the assumptions your solution is based on. These could involve its desirability, functionality, effectiveness, feasibility and so on.
  3. Select the most important assumptions that need to be assessed. Which assumption makes or breaks the solution?
  4. Formulate a research question based on this assumption.
  5. Reflect on a way to answer the research question, for example using one of the other tools in the category of ‘Assessing’ (paper prototyping, video prototyping, storyboarding, et cetera).
  6. Define indicators. What must you take into account while assessing to obtain an answer to your research question?
  7. Formulate a plan. How will you carry out the assessment? What is the setup or context, what do you need and when will you carry it out?

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