Creative excursion

Creative excursion


A creative excursion is a method that involves taking a side step to achieve a creative breakthrough.


Taking a side step is taking a different approach route to finding solutions. It forces you to look at the issue differently, which helps generate creative ideas for solutions.


  1. Choose a topic as a starting point for the creative excursion. This can be a problem to be solved, a value to be created or a desired outcome.
  2. Walk around your house, the park, campus or your neighbourhood.
  3. Pay close attention to the environment. What do you see? What do you smell? What do you feel?
  4. Sit down and reflect on your walk. What have you come across? What happened? Which moments, persons, objects and emotions do you recall?
  5. Choose a moment, person, object or emotion that has stuck with you the most.
  6. Reflect and associate. Why has this moment, person, object or emotion stuck with you the most? What kind of associations does it stir?
  7. Return to the topic you chose as a starting point for the creative excursion. How is the moment, person, object or emotion related to the topic?
  8. Consider which ideas for solutions this throws up. Which interesting perspectives are hidden in the association between the chosen object and the moment, person, object or emotion of your excursion? Which kinds of ideas does this lead to?

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