Business Model Canvas

Business model canvas


A business model canvas is a framework that helps you reflect on the value your solution seeks to create and on how to achieve this value.


A business model canvas forces you to think about all aspects involved in the creation of value. This gives you an overview of everything that needs to be organised around a solution.


  1. Elaborate the structure of a social business model canvas (see the sample template) on a whiteboard, flip chart, wall or table, or use the sample template.
  2. Decide on the target group for your solution.
  3. Define the problem or issue as well as the outcomes the solution seeks to achieve for the target group in terms of its social purpose and value proposition. Also determine which indicators make these desired outcomes ‘measurable’.
  4. Decide how the target group will be informed about the solution and which kinds of support services are needed to be able to use the solution.
  5. Inventory the materials, activities and stakeholders that need to be activated to achieve the solution.
  6. Identify cost items and funding options.
  7. Look at all aspects and identify what needs to be done, where there are opportunities and which risks there might be.

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