


Analogies are other types of issues that can teach you something about the issue you are designing a solution for. 


Creative solutions may already have been found for other types of issues and may help you ahead with the issue you are designing a solution for. Looking for a good analogy enables you to ‘nick’ from other domains in a clever way.


  1. Inventory themes around the issue that are important to the stakeholders. Themes can be divided into categories: needs, frustrations, pleasures, goals, dreams, and so on. Try to identify as many themes as possible for each stakeholder and each category.
  2. Go through the themes and combine themes that are related in some way or other. Look for combinations that are important to as many stakeholders as possible: these are themes that connect.
  3. Look for analogies on the basis of the themes that connect. For which similar, or in fact dissimilar, issues, problems and situations do these connecting themes also feature?
  4. Look into the most interesting analogies. What is being done with the connecting themes in the case of these other issues, problems or situations? Which solutions have already been developed? What can be learned from these for the present issue? Which ideas for solutions does this generate?

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