Researcher profiles

  • (Richard) DLA Velthuizen - Velthuizen, MA

    (Richard) DLA Velthuizen - Velthuizen, MA
  • (Ronald) R van Velzen, MA

    (Ronald) R van Velzen, MA
  • prof.dr. (Marc) MNM Verboord

    Marc Verboord is professor of Media and Society at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication (ESHCC), Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research…
    prof.dr. (Marc) MNM Verboord
  • dr. (Dorothee) MD Verdaasdonk - Huwel

    dr. (Dorothee) MD Verdaasdonk - Huwel
  • (Alexander) AM Verdonck

    (Alexander) AM Verdonck
  • dr. (Jesper) J Verhoef

    dr. (Jesper) J Verhoef
  • prof.dr. (Filip) FRR Vermeylen

    Filip Vermeylen (PhD. Columbia University 2002) is Professor of Global Art Markets. He lectures and publishes on various aspects of the economics of art and…
    prof.dr. (Filip) FRR Vermeylen
  • (Erik) EW Vermunt

    (Erik) EW Vermunt
  • (Olga) O Vincent

    Olga Vincent (former publishing name - Olga Koretskaya) is a PhD researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her current research focuses on making practices in…
    (Olga) O Vincent
  • (Niels) NY Vink (Niels) NY Vink

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