Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Athanasios) A Polyportis

    dr. (Athanasios) A Polyportis
  • dr. (Jason) JH Pridmore

    Jason Pridmore is the Vice Dean of Education for the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and an Associate Professor in the Department of Media…
    dr. (Jason) JH Pridmore
  • drs. (Theo) TA Pronk

    drs. (Theo) TA Pronk
  • dr. (Anne-Marie) A van Prooijen

    dr. (Anne-Marie) A van Prooijen
  • (Yixiang) Y Que, MA

    (Yixiang) Y Que, MA
  • dr. (Debora) DC Ramos Antunes da Silva

    dr. (Debora) DC Ramos Antunes da Silva
  • (Bowen) B Ran, MA

    With a keen interest in the meta-reflections on how people from different contexts and times have shaped and related to their multifaceted pasts, the primary…
    (Bowen) B Ran, MA
  • (Raghavan) R Ranganathan Karthik, MA

    (Raghavan) R Ranganathan Karthik, MA
  • prof.dr. (Stijn) SL Reijnders

    Stijn Reijnders is Full Professor of "Cultural Heritage, in Particular in Relation to Tourism and Popular Culture" at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. His…
    prof.dr. (Stijn) SL Reijnders
  • (Lexy) LN Remij, MA

    (Lexy) LN Remij, MA

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