Researcher profiles

  • dr. (Naomi) N Oosterman

    Naomi Oosterman is an Assistant Professor of Cultural Heritage at the Department of Arts and Culture Studies, and Cluster Manager of the research group Heritage…
    dr. (Naomi) N Oosterman
  • dr. (Suzanna) SJ Opree

    Sanne Opree is Associate Professor of Quantitative Research Methods in the Department of Media and Communication at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her research…
    dr. (Suzanna) SJ Opree
  • (Niharika) N Parasar, MBA

    (Niharika) N Parasar, MBA
  • dr. (Amanda) A Paz Alencar

    Amanda Alencar is Associate Professor in the Department of Media and Communication of Erasmus University Rotterdam. She specializes in media and…
    dr. (Amanda) A Paz Alencar
  • (Leonie) LC Peiffer, MSc

    (Leonie) LC Peiffer, MSc
  • (Yingting) Y Peng

    (Yingting) Y Peng
  • (Nuria) N Peregrin Fernandez, MA

    (Nuria) N Peregrin Fernandez, MA
  • (Patrick) P Peter, MBA

    (Patrick) P Peter, MBA
  • dr. (Julia) J Peters

    dr. (Julia) J Peters
  • (Gracielle) GF Pires

    (Gracielle) GF Pires

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