dr. (Bonnie) BE French


Bonnie E. French is an Assistant Professor of Sociology.  Her research and teaching interests center around race and racism in institutions such as schools and prisons, and on social inequalities, more generally.

Recently, Bonnie published Race at Predominantly White Independent Schools: *The Space between Diversity and Equity. * This book was the culmination of her research that used Critical Race Theory to examine how "diversity" can  undermine progress toward equity in elite schools. 

Bonnie is committed to scholarship and teaching that investigates current social issues in an effort to understand and contribute to our societies.

Forthcoming projects include research of self-identified anti-racist activists.  Additionally, Bonnie has also been an active educator in prison and jail settings, and intends to pursue this important work.

Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Assistant professor | Science Public Issues and Imaginaries
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

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News regarding dr. (Bonnie) BE French

Bonnie French wint Education Prize voor haar innovatieve manier van onderwijs geven

Ze ontving de prijs uit handen tijdens de Opening van het Academisch Jaar 2023-2024 voor haar toegankelijke, en innovatieve manier van onderwijs geven.
dr. Bonnie French ontvangt de Education Prize op de Opening Academisch Jaar 2023.

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