Erasmus School of Philosophy

Because philosophy is everywhere
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Philosophy 101

Jamie van der Klaauw

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Virtual Experience

Scroll through campus, classrooms, and student housing in the virtual experience

Mobile virtual campus tour
  • The Emancipatory Power of the Body in Everyday Life

    A panel discussion about emancipation, embodiment, and the everydayness of politics through philosophical, legal and activist perspectives.
    The Emancipatory Power of the Body in Everyday Life
  • Symposium ON DIALOGICAL REASON #1 with Mahault Albarracin and Ray Brassier

    You are invited to the two-day symposium on dialogical reason, with a series of presentations by Albarracin, Brassier, Dutilh Novaes and many more.
  • Bachelor Open Day

    International Business administration, Communication and Media or Psychology? During the Bachelor Open Day you can find out anything about our study programmes.
    Master Open Day 2022: Studenten stellen vragen bij stand

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