Erasmus School of Economics

Based in Rotterdam, the School has provided excellent education and produced excellent research for over a century
Image of campus Woudestein

Advocacy for plant-based diet sparks discussion on Erasmus Plaza

Jan Stoop from Erasmus School of Economics took a stand on Erasmus Plaza to advocate for a plant-based university.

Is automatic exam scheduling a pipe dream?

Under the guidance of Remy Spliet, a group of students developed a set of algorithms to automatically create exam schedules for all faculties.

What creates a football superpower?

Thomas Peeters gives his take on countries that are football superpowers and what characteristics a country should have to be so.
Thomas Peeters
  • Economie Festival

    The celebrations of the 110th anniversary of Erasmus School of Economics continue with a weekend full of debates, short lectures, live music, movies, and more.
    Mensen borrelen
  • Policies for the Generalised Capacitated Resupply Problems

    Mette Wagenvoort (Erasmus School of Economics)
    Students walking on campus with a bike
  • Intro weekend PINKWIN 2024

    Introductory event for the prospective first-year students of the Bachelor Econometrics
    De Hollandse Boerderij

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