Global History and International Relations

Analyse international relations from a historical and global perspective
Global History and International Relations student

Is this the programme you're looking for?

Would you like to focus on cutting-edge questions related to historical processes of globalisation, international interactions, and social, cultural and economic encounters? And do you want to enrol in a programme with a different approach to history than traditional history programmes often have? Then the specialisation Global History and International Relations is the right master programme for you.

Key Facts & Figures

Mode of study
Full-time | Part-time
Instruction language
1 year
Study points (EC)
Start date
Application Deadline (EEA)
15 May
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The study programme in a nutshell

Global History and International Relations approaches modern history from multiple angles. Focusing on individuals, nation states and empires in the international political arena, you will examine social, economic, political, and cultural themes in the past – and connect them with today’s developments. Learn while being in the field, go to archives and museums to find journals or protest pamphlets that will help you to build your cases, and investigate how and why people, regions, nations, or empires behave like they do.

Why this study

''This program has a very different approach to history than traditional history programmes often have.''

Global History and International Relations by Pieter

Global History and International Relations by Pieter

What you will learn

  • Study historical processes in a comparative and interdisciplinary manner;
  • learn to describe both the broad outlines and the unique aspects of historical events from the early modern period to the present;
  • study international relations in a historical context using approaches from social science, international political theory and cultural analysis;
  • study topics such as international relations, migration, trade, and cultural heritage;
  • gain a better understanding of the present, by learning how nation-states generate various perspectives on the course of history, influencing the way they enter the world’s political stage.
Programme overview

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Career opportunities after graduation

Studying Global History and International Relations at Erasmus University Rotterdam will jumpstart your career as a historian, researcher, or lecturer in the academic world. But you can also work as a manager or researcher at cultural institutions, government authorities, consultancies, archives or in the media.

This could be your future

What do our students think?

Noor van Baarlen

Noor van Baarlen - Student Master Global History and International Relations

This master is so interesting to me because it focuses on the entire world when we talk about international relations.
This master is so interesting to me because it focuses on the entire world when we talk about international relations.

International Relations and Diplomacy

I chose the master Global History and International Relations because of my interest in international relations and diplomacy. Before my master I did the bachelor History at Erasmus University and I really liked it and this was the reason to continue studying at ESHCC.

Challenging the Eurocentric perspective

This master is so interesting to me because it focuses on the entire world when we talk about international relations. In this way the Eurocentric perspective is being challenged. This makes for a very engaging programme!

An easy transition

During the master I found out that my previous Bachelor has many similarities with this master, making my transition from bachelor to master very nice and smooth.

Maarten van der Zande

Alumnus Master Global History and International Relations

The master programme offers a high level of education and many opportunities to kickstart your career!
Profile picture of ESHCC history alumnus Maarten van der Zande
The master programme offers a high level of education and many opportunities to kickstart your career!

Study programme: Master Global History and International Relations 
Graduation year: 2024
Job: Policy Advisor at Dutch Whistleblowers Authority 

Sweet memories

One of my favorite memories of the master programme Global History and International Relations is the Thesis Conference. This is a special day when everyone from the study programme presents their Master's thesis. Apart from presenting my own thesis, I found it incredibly interesting to hear what kind of topics other students had chosen for their research. I also cherish many fond memories of the discussions held in class; especially when we delved into contemporary conflicts such as in Ukraine and Gaza. This is where it became really clear how to apply the theory of this master’s programme in practice.

Contributing to integrity

After my studies, I landed a job as Policy Advisor in the Knowledge & Prevention department of the Dutch Whistleblowers Authority (Huis voor Klokkenluiders). We provide advice and support to persons who want to report a possible wrongdoing within the context of their work-related activities, and we conduct investigations into wrongdoings within organisations. We also provide know-how for governments, semi-public institutions and corporations on how to improve their internal integrity policy. 

My role primarily involves researching how organisations can improve their integrity system, as well as giving presentations to organisations on integrity management. So, you can definitely say that the research skills and presentation skills I gained during my master's programme come in handy at work! 

Advice to prospective students

Do not worry if you have not completed a bachelor’s degree in history! I myself, for example, studied the bachelor Management of International Social Challenges. Because I was interested in contemporary conflicts and the history behind them in my spare time, I decided to apply for the master programme Global History and International Relations: a decision I am truly happy with. The master programme is at a high level, the professors are experts, as a student you learn an awful lot, and the study offers you many opportunities to kickstart your career!  

Profile picture of ESHCC history alumnus Maarten van der Zande

Julie Küpperfahrenberg

Julie Küpperfahrenberg - Student Global History and International Relations

Here I had the feeling that my knowledge about history could be transformed into actual contributions to solve political problems and crises.
Here I had the feeling that my knowledge about history could be transformed into actual contributions to solve political problems and crises.

"I knew that I wanted to do a master at a university abroad. In my opinion, it contributes a lot to your personal and professional development when you place yourself outside your familiar context. As I had only vague ideas in which direction I wanted to go with my professional background (every history student is more than familiar with utterances such as ‘History? Oh! That’s interesting! But what are you going to do with this later?’), I gathered information about master degrees at manifold European universities. I had come to the conclusion that I did not want to commit myself to the mere study of events, processes and developments of the past, so no art for art’s sake, but that I wanted to draw lessons from the past in order to improve the future. In this respect I was really exited when I came across the master program ‘History of Society: Global History and International Relations’ offered by Erasmus University of Rotterdam. Here, for the first time, I had the feeling that my knowledge about history could in some way be transformed into actual contributions to solve political problems and crises. Thus I applied at Erasmus University Rotterdam and I got admitted.

Although I was also approved at other universities, when I received my admission for Rotterdam, I did not shed a thought about going somewhere else. Firstly, Erasmus University is highly regarded in Europe. Secondly, the program itself exactly met my interests and my professional background. Thirdly, although I had only been in Rotterdam once before, I remembered it to be an open-minded, multi-cultural city with a very special charm that makes it so different from other cities in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe. I like the fact that Rotterdam is not one of the well-known touristic cities such as Amsterdam or Brussels, where everybody had already been - Rotterdam is in this way my city. The program fully meets my expectations. Although it is a lot of work, a lot to read and to write, I can clearly see the developments that I have made in the last six month, not only professionally or scientifically, but also and in particular personally.

When I will hold my Master degree in September, I seek to invest some time to concerns of my heart. I plan to do an internship at Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch. As I now approached political problems from an academic point of view, I feel that I need to add a humanitarian and practical perspective. Only then I will be equipped to find a work place, which is dedicated to solve international problems and thus to make the world a better place."

Tara Lewis

Tara Lewis - Student Global History and International Relations

That is one of the beauties of studying History, things rarely turn out the way you thought they would.
That is one of the beauties of studying History, things rarely turn out the way you thought they would.

"I did not exactly choose to study history after extensive contemplation. I obtained a bachelor’s degree in communications and I was looking for a programme that would further enrich my education. History proved the ideal choice.

 I loved studying History. Of course the programme was sometimes intensive, but the courses were also interesting and diverse. I wrote my thesis on the 1641 rebellion in Ireland; I love the country yet never expected to write my thesis on this particular subject. That is one of the beauties of studying History, things rarely turn out the way you thought they would.

 I started working as an editor for the local newspaper during my bachelor. A friend of mine learned that the newspaper was looking to recruit reporters and I happily applied for the position; the position would enable me to look into different subjects, and approach these from different angles." 

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