Bachelor International Business Administration

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Erasmus University's business faculty is Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, known as RSM. Its bachelor in International Business Administration (IBA) provides a stimulating and fulfilling educational journey, empowering you with the knowledge, values, and skills to foster positive change in the global business landscape.

Key Facts & Figures

Mode of study
Instruction language
3 years
Study points (EC)
Start date
Application Deadline (EEA)
15 January
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The study programme in a nutshell

IBA is a three-year English-taught bachelor of science programme, combining research and hands-on learning. It covers diverse areas like sales, marketing, finance and more, preparing you for a career in international business.

Throughout your studies, RSM's commitment to being a force for positive change, aligned with the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals, will be evident. In your third year, you'll have opportunities to delve into mission-related courses such as finance for positive change and organising for grand challenges.

RSM has a strong global reputation. It is consistently recognised in prestigious rankings like the one from the Financial Times. RSM is among the 1 per cent of business schools worldwide with Triple Crown accreditation, and is proud to have maintained this significant recognition for over two decades.

Why this study

Programme in numbers

Student satisfaction Students rate this study programme 4 stars.
Number of firstyears The number of students in the first year.
Contact time firstyears Number of hours offered per week
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