Floris de Haan MSc

Rotterdam Maritime City

Senior researcher air transport economics

Portret foto Floris de Haan
Email address
+31(0)10 408 1410
Woudestein, T-Building, Room T19-31
Mandeville Building


As a senior aviation researcher, Floris de Haan focuses on complex issues facing the aviation sector. He advises governments, airlines, and airports, among others. His specialties include air cargo, network development, and economic impact studies.


Floris has worked for KLM, where he was responsible for maximizing the revenue of KLM’s passenger network. At Schiphol Group, he was in charge of pricing for regulated activities, such as landing and takeoff fees and security charges. In another role, Floris also developed Schiphol’s air cargo hub by attracting companies such as cargo airlines and freight forwarders to the airport.

Main Research Areas

  • Air Cargo
  • Demand forecasting
  • Network planning
  • Business models

Flagship Projects

A selection of recent projects by Floris de Haan.

  • Vliegtuig
    Air Freight Monitor

    Each year, Erasmus UPT measures the employment and added value generated by air cargo activities at Schiphol within the regional economy, both directly and indirectly. By conducting this annual assessment, trends can be identified that support policy development.

  • Stargate Logo

    A Green Deal project by the European Union that includes various initiatives for making airports more sustainable. Floris is a member of the management board and leads several of these initiatives. Additionally, he plays a role in modeling operational business models for these sustainability initiatives.

    Duration: 2021 - present

    Client: European Union

  • KLM
    State Aid KLM

    Commissioned by the Ministry of Finance, Floris participated in an evaluation committee that independently assessed the effectiveness of state aid measures for KLM during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Duration: 2024

    Client: Ministry of Finance

  • Rotterdam Airport
    Employment Research at Rotterdam The Hague Airport

    On behalf of Rotterdam The Hague Airport, Erasmus UPT analyzed the direct and indirect employment impacts resulting from the presence of the airport.

    Duration: 2024

    Client: Rotterdam The Hague Airport

  • vliegtuig
    Goods Flow Study at Schiphol

    Commissioned by Royal Schiphol Group, Erasmus UPT conducted research on the types of goods transported to, from, and via Schiphol. This study used transport data to provide insights into the origin and destination of goods. Additionally, freight forwarders and shippers were interviewed to gain a qualitative understanding of their dependence on Schiphol’s air cargo function.

    Duration: 2023

    Client: Royal Schiphol Group

  • Bestemmingen vliegveld
    Destination Network Evaluation at Schiphol

    On behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Floris conducted an evaluation of the ministry’s study on the impact of reduced flight movements on the destination network.

    Duration: 2022

    Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

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