Become a SMF ambassador

Students exchange ideas to each other

Become a SMF ambassador!

Team Studying with a Functional Impairment (SMF) works with a group of SMF ambassadors. This team consists of students with a functional impairment who want to work for other students (with a functional impairment) and for the university.
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What do you do as a SMF ambassador?

These are the tasks you can do as a SMF ambassador:

  • As a peer coach you coach other students. This can concern study-related matters (such as help with making a plan or trying out different study methods), but also non-study-related matters (such as having someone to talk to or making and maintaining social contacts). In most cases, students need help with developing study skills. 
  • You participate in policy panels where we ask you to contribute ideas about policy matters and their influence on students with a functional impairment. These take place a maximum of twice a year. 
  • You are present at events (such as the Open Day) where you inform students (and their parents) about studying at EUR and the provisions that are possible. 
  • You are part of the team of SMF ambassadors, you participate in the ambassadors meeting and you share information and/or experiences with the team.

How do you become a SMF ambassador?

Are you interested in becoming a SMF ambassador? Nice!

  • Contact us at and briefly explain who you are, what you study and why you want to become a SMF ambassador. You will receive an answer from us within a week! 
  • A Team SMF employee will schedule an introductory meeting with you. This meeting lasts about half an hour. Based on this interview, we will decide whether to offer you a contract. We will get back to you by e-mail within a few days.
  • Good news? Then you will receive a 0-hours contract with EURflex where you can write hours every week if you have worked that week. The number of hours may vary. When you coach a student as a peer coach, you work on average between 0.5 and 2 hours per week. So keep in mind that you do not work a fixed number of hours every week. In addition, it can sometimes take a while before you can work (because it depends on the request, events, etc.). So it is a flexible side job!

Do you have any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us at

As SMF-ambassador I hope that students do not have to reinvent the wheel.

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